About 25% or higher of vehicles today either have blocked access or no backside access at all. Paintless dent removal has come along way and with that, so has the technique called, glue pulling too. It’s on going and developing glue tabs, tools and techniques make glue pulling an art in itself.

Learning how to become efficient at glue pulling will make you more money and better than your competition. I will personally show you all the latest glue pull products that help you get those stubborn dents out clean. From using a mini lifter to blending a rail. Just like learning PDR, glue pulling also has many details to understand so you get big results.

This glue pulling pdr course is taught in the 2 -4 week pdr training courses. However, if you just want to concentrate on glue pulling alone, this will definitely get you up to speed. You’ll learn glue pulling on big dents, rails, creases, aluminum, close edges and even learn techniques on repainted panels. You’ll learn many techniques you can actually add to your current expertise. Become cleaner, faster and make more money while staying up to date on your PDR skills.

This course will be taught one on one with a maximum of two people or less.

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