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There are lots of bikers on the road in the summer and lots not on the road in the winter. Motocycle gas tank dent repair is a great way to subsidize your down time when you’re not busy with hail damage, whole sale or retail work. This part of PDR is growing but not everyone can do MPDR. It’s a special knack in the industry but helps your bottom line nicely when you properly know how to do it and market it.

This motorcycle pdr training course is 5 days. Learning how to remove dents on motorcycles is a whole different animal due to MPDR demands even more patience and time. If you have no experience in PDR at all, it’s not a good idea to try motorcycle paintless dent removal first before you get trained right in PDR. For those who do have experience, we recommend at least 2-3 years of PDR experience before you enroll.

This motorcycleg gas tank paintless dent removal training course will be about technique, tools used and set ups. Myke walks you through the process of how to communicate with the customers and questions you need to ask before accepting a tank.

tools you’ll need, how to mount different tanks and what to look for when you mount your tank.

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