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PDR Training School Beware!

Unless you are an experienced paintless dent removal technician, you’re going to need more than one week of pdr training. It’s nearly impossible to train someone from scratch to learn what we do in 5 days. Don’t take my word for it. Contact other PDR techs from around the country and ask them yourself.

So why do I see a lot of PDR training schools offering one week pdr training?

Easy. They only care about how many students they sucker into and get you in and out like a robbery. I hate to be so blunt but it’s true. That’s why I don’t offer it. I know you can’t learn anything valuable in one a week that you can apply in the real world PDR industry.

So why do people sign up for one week pdr training? Unfortunately, most students rush into it or they can’t take time off to do at least 2-4 weeks. They might have also been enticed to a full package like, hotel, airfare and lunch. Keep in mind, you are coming to learn paintless dent removal. You shouldn’t be paying for a vacation. In addition, a majority of PDR students financially have only one shot to train and learn paintless dent repair correctly. You can’t afford to be fooled into a pdr school who makes it seem like you’re going to paradise.

Don’t assume you are special, gifted or good with your hands. Learning paintless dent repair isn’t going to take you just a few days to learn. You’re going to have to do your research and most of all, use common sense. PDR tools alone isn’t going to make you that much better either so refrain from buying tools before you can actually train. Otherwise you’ll be wasting part of your valuable time you paid for trying to learn how to break those bad habits.

The red flags of PDR training schools and questions you should ask.

* Don’t fall for a sales person pitching PDR training who isn’t even going to be the guy who’s training you in the first place. That should be a red flag right off the bat.

* Ask who’s going to be training you? How long have they been training? What type of reputation do they have in the industry? Will you be training on real cars? Will you go out and work in the field at dealerships, body shops or retail customers? Are you going to be trained in real environments like outdoors or just indoors? How many students will I be training with?

What type of support will they offer after PDR training? Will you get to personally contact the instructor?


This page was created to help you take a deep breath and really reevaluate if you’re making a proper decision about PDR training. Even if I’m not going to train you, you’ll be more educated about the qualifications you’ll be seeking before you begin your PDR journey.

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